An International Scientific Committee of

ICOMOS NC Germany: Conference “Promoting Europe’s Cultural Heritage and Cultural Diversity – Who? How? Whit Whom?

13 July 2020 – 14 July 2020 all-day
Centre d'art et de technologie des médias de Karlsruhe
Lorenzstraße 19, 76135 Karlsruhe

Message from organisers on 23/03/2020:
“Due to the current pandemic, no postponement of theplanned kick-off event PROMOTING EUROPE’S CULTURAL HERITAGE AND CULTURALDIVERSITY – WHO? HOW? WITH WHOM? is planned for the EU Presidency of theFederal Republic of Germany. Rather, we are currently examining alternative formsof communication (webinars, video conferences, etc.) in case a personal meetingof experts and interested parties from all over Europe in Karlsruhe would notbe possible or not justifiable due to continued travel restrictions or healthrisks.”

The expert discussion is intended to provide information and knowledge transfer onmonument promotion programs and other heritage-related funding tools at theEuropean level and at national and regional levels. Also, the meeting is toprovide a professional statement from the conservation and restoration partyand to articulate expectations from the conservator’s and restorer’s sideregarding the continuation of funding structures and selection criteria ofpublic and non-profit grant programs.
Organizers: ICOMOS Germany, the Associationof Regional State Conservators (Landesdenkmalpfleger), the Association ofregional State Archaeologists (Verband der Landesarchäologen) in the FederalRepublic of Germany, represented by the Baden-Württemberg State Office forMonument Preservation, and the working group Municipal Heritage Management ofthe Deutscher Städtetag (German Association of Cities and Towns).Sponsored by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.