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Posts Tagged ‘UNESCO Conventions’

The use of expertise in the examination of nomination files under the Intangible Heritage Convention

Deacon, Harriet and Rieks Smeets. 2013.The use of expertise in the examination of nomination files under the Intangible Heritage Convention. Report of the researchers meeting on Evaluating the Inscription Criteria for the two Lists of UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention, IRCI (International Research Centre for ICH in the Asia-Pacific Region). 10-11 January 2013: Tokyo, Japan.

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The Subtle Power of Intangible Heritage

Cultural policy can contribute to social and economic development by growing our cultural capital, promoting local identity and promoting global cultural diversity. Tangible and intangible heritage forms a crucial part of this cultural capital and needs to be safeguarded. At the International Network on Cultural Policy (INCP-RIPC) meeting in Cape Town in October 2002, member states decided to adopt and to implement national policies to protect and promote cultural heritage. South Africa and Senegal agreed to write a research report analysing the legal and financial instruments currently employed by countries and regions to safeguard their intangible heritage.
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Protecting intangible heritage values through the World Heritage Convention?

The world is scattered with jewels from our collective pasts. From the glittering Mogul mausoleum of the Taj Mahal in the heart of northern India, to the Neolithic stone huts on the remote, windswept island of Orkney in the Outer Hebrides. Material remnants remind us of extinct civilizations, forgotten people and lost worlds. What then of the things for which there are no material remains? What of the memories, ideas, beliefs and events that shaped the lives of these civilizations and of our own? What of this intangible heritage? We can record, preserve and protect for posterity the material leavings; can we do the same for the shadows that form the intangible associations with these places?
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Marking four decades of World Heritage – The view from Australia

The celebration of the milestone of the fortieth year since the adoption by UNESCO of the World Heritage Convention provided a global stimulus for reflection that included activities in Australia. Four decades of experience of implementing the idealistic and international notions that underpin the Convention had demonstrated the distinctiveness of the potential contributions from Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. With that in mind, the starting premise of this volume of Historic Environment has been to provide a snapshot of the experiences of World Heritage in Australia – essentially the view from ‘here’, and a specifically oriented view based on the experiences and priorities of cultural heritage practice.
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Local Identity on the Global Stage: The challenges of representing diversity

Emphasizing intangible and tangible expressions of heritage in a publication on World Heritage and Cultural Diversity presents the opportunity to discuss a variety of current and potential future challenges. These can be either epistemological concepts that promise potential for scientific investigation and reconstruction, professional challenges in the application of models and guidelines, or educational needs for the heritage community, and its academic development in the early twenty-first century. The difficult and often contested role of intangible heritage expressions in the context of World Heritage Sites is one of the aspects triggering ongoing discussion. Equally, the section heading invites an exploration of the interrelation of the two relevant UNESCO instruments, the 1972 Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (World Heritage Convention)(UNESCO, 1972) and the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (Intangible Heritage Convention)(UNESCO, 2003). Such explorations could be aimed at evaluating their early attempts at cooperation and their potentials for mutual enforcement. However, these aspects seem to have been discussed previously at a number of international university seminars, such as the University of Montreal round table–“Tangible and intangible heritage: two UNESCO Conventions”(Cameron and Boucher, 2007), or the Cambridge Heritage Seminar–“Tangible-intangible cultural heritage: a sustainable dichotomy?”(Baillie and Chippindale, 2007). Yet another focus could be on cultural diversity and the processes which link the representation of intangible and tangible heritage expressions to the promotion of cultural diversity under the auspices of UNESCO. It is this aspect which this …
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Introduction. Du matériel à l’immatériel. Nouveaux défis, nouveaux enjeux

Le patrimoine culturel immatériel représente aujourd’hui un enjeu majeur dans les manières de penser et de pratiquer le patrimoine en Amérique du Nord francophone et ailleurs dans le monde. Il tend à renouveler le mouvement du patrimoine ethnologique et à s’imposer comme référence incontournable aux praticiens et penseurs de tous les patrimoines. Il trouble les classifications établies et les cadres de pensée de la culture administrée. Il provoque des réaménagements dans les structures gouvernementales de gestion et de direction, et dans les programmes de formation universitaire qui doivent désormais en tenir compte. Il bouscule les règles canoniques de la conservation et participe largement à la définition des nouvelles politiques patrimoniales. Il renouvelle les débats sur le droit d’auteur, les droits humains, les pratiques muséologiques et le patrimoine matériel. Il invite à une réflexion de fond sur le sens du patrimoine lui-même.
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Intangible Heritage

This volume examines the implications and consequences of the idea of ‘intangible heritage’ to current international academic and policy debates about the meaning and nature of cultural heritage and the management processes developed to protect it. It provides an accessible account of the different ways in which intangible cultural heritage has been defined and managed in both national and international contexts, and aims to facilitate international debate about the meaning, nature and value of not only intangible cultural heritage, but heritage more generally.

Intangible Heritage fills a significant gap in the heritage literature available and represents a significant cross section of ideas and practices associated with intangible cultural heritage. The authors brought together for this volume represent some of the key academics and practitioners working in the area, and discuss research and practices from a range of countries, including: Zimbabwe, Morocco, South Africa, Japan, Australia, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, USA, Brazil and Indonesia, and bring together a range of areas of expertise which include anthropology, law, heritage studies, archaeology, museum studies, folklore, architecture, Indigenous studies and history.
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