An International Scientific Committee of

50th Anniversary: ICOMOS Peru, Risk management and cultural heritage Seminar

15 April 2015 – 16 April 2015 all-day
It is organized jointly to the National Architects Association of Peru and the Regional Lima Architects association. The program will include two days. First day: April 15th Natural Disasters and cultural heritage Dr. Alberto Martorell, President of As. Icomos Peru Arch. Teresa Vilcapoma, Vicepresidente of ICOMOS Peru Arch.Jenny Parra, National Organization for risk prevention INDECI Ing. Hugo O’Connor, specialist in risk management PhD. Carlos Zavala Toledo. CIESMID. National University of Engeneering Second day: April 16th Ing. Rodrigo Calderón. Consulter of the Regional Planning Process for Lima and Callao 2035 Ing. Giorgio Silva. Specialist of the Firefighters Forces of Peru. Arch. Constanza Remar. National Association of Architects of Peru Archaeologist Natalia Guzman Director of Monuments Management of the Ministry of Culture of Peru. Contact: