An International Scientific Committee of

50th Anniversary: ICOMOS Romania, Technical Seminar on Specific approaches in the restoration of Transilvanian rural heritage

17 April 2015 all-day
ROMANIA, SIBIU, Astra Palace
5-7 George Baritiu str.
ICOMOS Romania & the Sibiu County Office for Culture Short presentation of the event (mention if it’s a 50th anniversary event): SPECIFIC APPROACHES IN THE RESTORATION OF TRANSILVANIAN RURAL HERITAGE is a scientific and technical seminar discussing professional issues of restoration projects financed through European Funds in southern Transilvania. The expected scientific conclusions are meant to contribute, in the near future, to a better implementation of such projects and to a better adaptation of the financial frame to the specific restoration purpose. The event is celebrating the International Day of Monuments and Sites / ICOMOS 50 Anniversary. Official contact: Irina Iamandescu – ICOMOS Romania Secretary, icomosromania[à], +40 745041402 Official website: