An International Scientific Committee of

International Conference on “Reducing Risks to Cultural Heritage” : Challenges and Opportunities

15 November 2012 – 17 November 2012 all-day
International Conference on “Reducing Risks to Cultural Heritage” : Challenges and Opportunities November 15-17 2012 Istanbul TURKEY Main Organisers : Yildiz Technical University- ICOMOS Turkey – ICOMOSICORP Turkey In recent years natural and human induced hazards have increasingly turned into disasters of increasing frequency and intensity. These disasters pose threats to prominent cultural and natural heritage sites of the world. The aim of this symposium is to contribute towards reducing slow as well as catastrophic risks in short and long term, by sharing various case studies carried out or planned for mitigating their impacts and developing solutions with the cooperation of professionals working in this area. The symposium aims to adopt a comprehensive approach that includes all kinds of risks of natural and human origin that threaten/might threaten cultural heritage. Various themes and topics would include all kinds of direct or indirect risks, including wars and local conflicts, large-scale projects that fail to recognize cultural heritage, effects of mass tourism, legislations and policies and their consequences which sometimes do not consider cultural heritage at all or in limited way are within the scope of the symposium. Further information can be found at