An International Scientific Committee of

VII meeting of the ICOMOS ISC Theory and Philosophy (THEOPHILOS)

25 April 2012 – 29 April 2012 all-day
The VII annual conference of the Theory Committee will take place from April 25th to 29th 2012 in Baku, Azerbaijan. This place was chosen thanks to the personal relationship of Paolo del Bianco, whose foundation contributes greatly to the conference’s organisation. After extensive discussions on occasion of this year’s gathering in Florence, the title ‘Heritage Under Pressure – Perspectives of HUL’ was agreed upon for the 2012 meeting. The Baku conference will be held in cooperation with CIVVIH and should deal with questions treating the urban development of historic cities – especially World Heritage Cities –, against the background of the latest UNESCO Recommendation on Historic Urban Landscapes. The meeting is planned to be held in two sessions on two full working days. Session I will be in the responsibility of the Theory Committee, and will be dedicated – sub specie Historic Urban Landscape – to the theoretical issues of this group of themes. CIVVIH will be responsible for Session II which will – by using case studies – shine a light on the current situation and practice. For further information please see the website