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Posts Tagged ‘Cultural landscapes’

The ArchaeoLore Group Webinars

ICICH is excited to support The ArchaeoLore Group Webinar series for 2024/2025.

September 2024 – May 2025, Tuesdays at 5 p.m. CET / 4 p.m. Portugal
Organizers: Alexandra Vieira and Katarina Botić

The aim of this series is to bring together researchers dedicated to the study of the following topics: archaeology, landscape, place names, and social memory (folklore, oral narratives, oral tradition). 

The ArchaeoLore Group believes that the valuable insights of archaeologists, anthropologists, linguists, folklorists, geographers, historians, and others, would greatly improve the holistic study of the past. The perspective and research interests of our lecturers closely align with the goals of the ArchaeoLore Group:

  • the study of human-environment relationships, cultural manifestations and beliefs, humanized landscape interpretation and social memory, as well as the protection of intangible cultural heritage through transdisciplinary analysis that will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the human experience, past and present
  • to interpret cultural heritage through the study of archaeology, oral traditions, social memory, and place names, uncovering the connections between tangible and intangible heritage, revealing the ways in which cultural practices, beliefs, and stories are embedded in landscapes and passed down through generations
  • to study the ways in which oral traditions, folklore and place names are linked to specific landscapes and archaeological sites

The ArchaeoLore Group webinars are an opportunity to share knowledge and provide a moment of productive interdisciplinary exchange, demonstrating the added value of collaborative research, providing the opportunity to engage in stimulating discussions and develop professional relationships with other researchers in the field.

Calendar of Webinars

24.09.2024. Katja Hrobat Virloget – Between archaeology and anthropology. Collective memory, liminal spaces, boundaries, and mythical landscape

22.10.2024. Alexandra Vieira – Sacred Landscapes: The Christianization of the Landscape in the North of Portugal

19.11.2024. Tõnno Jonuks – Biographies of sacred natural sites in Estonia – just a local history or potential research method?

03.12.2024. Loredana Lancini – The big Giant is watching you: studying natural phenomena and landscape through oral tradition and mythology 14.01.2025. Tomáš Klír – Archaeology and contact onomastics: Case studies from Central Europe

11.02.2025. István Kollai – Europeanization of national historical consciousness through castle renovation projects

18.03.2025. Marilena Papachristophorou – Lost palimpsests: searching for the memory of the past in East Aegean, Greece

22.04.2025. Patrick D. Nunn – Remembering Sea-Level Rise and Island Creation in Australian and Celtic Cultures

13.05.2025. Joana Valdez-Tullett – Rock Art, Landscape and the Prevalence of Collective Memory

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Los Paisajes Culturales en Chile: Conceptos, Legislación y Situación Actual

Este artículo analiza de manera general la situación de los paisajes culturales en Chile, particularmente los mecanismos de protección, entendiendo este concepto en el sentido definido por UNESCO a través de la Convención de Patrimonio Mundial Natural y Cultural de 1972 y sus posteriores normas reglamentarias, que se encuentran en la Guía Operativa de la Convención, la cual ha sido actualizada por el Comité de Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO. Por otro lado se discute la legislación chilena actual sobre la materia, particularmente la de monumentos nacionales y la de áreas silvestres protegidas, indicándose además qué paisajes culturales se encuentran ya protegidos o incluidos en algunas de las categorías de manejo territorial actualmente vigentes en Chile. También se formulan algunas reflexiones en torno a los métodos y enfoques que deben adoptarse si se desea clasificar los paisajes culturales de valor nacional o local, con el fin de fijar prioridades para la protección de aquellos que pudieran estar amenazados.

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Report on ICICH co-organized panel on Rural Landscapes

As part of World Heritage Day celebrations, ICICH, Sanrakshan Heritage Consultants Pvt. Ltd., and VIRASAT organized a panel discussion entitled “Rural Landscapes: A Paradigm for Heritage” in Jammu, India, on 19 April 2019. The panel focused on the States of Jammu and Kashmir and brought together multiple sectors, including representatives from rural communities, to begin collaboration on a document that can help inform new policies focused on the identification, documentation, promotion, education, and management of rural landscapes. Munish Pandit, Vice President of ICICH was among the event’s participants.

Read the Report

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4th CLAT 2019-Taste Paradise-27 April to 04 May

The Cultural Landscape Association (CLA) is a non-profit organization specialized in the area of Cultural Landscape and the only institution in Iran that focuses on cultural landscapes interdisciplinary. The Association’s mission is to strengthen the role of cultural landscape in sustainable development in Iran and the region, by building the capacity of all those professionals and bodies involved with cultural landscape recognition, protection, conservation and management in the region, through training, research, the dissemination of information and network building. 

For  more information, you can see the tour webpage:

To review the first workshop and tour see the video:

In the case on any queries do not hesitate to contact us by email: or

Parastoo Eshrati, Assistant Professor, University of Tehran, Iran

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Crossing Boundaries: Linking Intangible Heritage, Cultural Landscapes, and Identity

After the establishment of nation states, the process of decolonisation and the formation of supranational unions after the Second World War, the concept of intangible heritage became the response to the heavy focus of heritage discourse of protecting monuments and sites. In 1992, UNESCO recognised “Cultural Landscapes” as the combined work of nature and man, establishing the important role of people in shaping the land. Cultural communities started to be integrated to the process of heritage making, which includes their associated traditional customs and spiritual beliefs. At the end of the 20th century, the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage was adopted in 2003, which was aimed at promoting cultural diversity and protecting traditional practices, belief systems, knowledge & skills of communities, amidst the formation of homogenous global societies. This paper looks into the intangible heritage of some cultural landscapes inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List, showing the deep-seated connection between people’s identities and traditions that are found in heritage sites. It identifies cultural identity as a central concept to the discourse of heritage, both in its tangible and intangible forms. It points out to the need for a holistic view that practitioners and researchers now require to document cultural practices and protect heritage sites, which goes beyond the confines of traditional academic disciplines. Comprehensively mapping the cultural significance of different heritage typologies can provide a deeper understanding of the formation of identities of cultural communities.

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Réflexion sur les rôles des communautés locales, du tourisme et des médiateurs externes dans la transmission des valeurs patrimoniales des paysages et espaces culturels

Cette communication s’efforce d’identifier les acteurs de la transmission des valeurs patrimoniales des paysages et espaces culturels. A l’aide d’exemples concrets choisis dans la région d’origine de l’auteure, elle analyse successivement la détention de ces valeurs par les communautés locales, l’apport que constitue le regard extérieur du touriste et la responsabilité des médiateurs et des promoteurs, confrontés aux réalités économiques et politiques.
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Our island home: Difference, marginality, community construction and implications for heritage

This paper considers considers the understandings of attachment, identity and place found within the communities of a small offshore Queensland Island: Magnetic Island, which is located in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and World Heritage Area. Individuals, as members of the island community (which is characterised by various unbounded community groups), in living their day to day lives on the island, engage in a quest for identity and authenticity that is involved in a relationship between identity-making as a process and the way in which worlds and ways of living are meaningfully constituted. One of the outcomes is that the past is selectively constructed and organised in a relationship of continuity with the lived experience of the island environment and the nostalgic recreation and reinforcement of both place and community. In so doing the various physical features and intangible aspects of the island, and indeed the community itself, is imbued with cultural meanings that also act to reinforce the islander sense of marginality, difference and separation.
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Introduction: Mountains of meaning: Celebrating mountains in the International year of mountains

2002 was the United Nations International Year of Mountains and the International Year of Cultural Heritage. ‘Mountains of Meaning’ was the cultural heritage component of a bigger conference, Celebrating Mountains, that sought to explore the heritage, environment and tourism of Australia’s mountains..The conference was co-ordinated by the Australian Alps Programme in partnership with Australia ICOMOS and held from 24 to 27 November 2002 in Jindabyne, New South Wales.
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