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Posts Tagged ‘Inventory’

ICICH Represented at Seminar on Digital Documentation in Korea

Three members of ICOMOS-ICICH participated in an international seminar, entitled “Protecting the Past for the Future: Digital Documentation as One of the Imperative Tools for Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage,” on 20 July 2019 at the National Museum of Korea in Seoul.

The morning session, which focused on new methodologies supporting the documentation of ICH through the application of new technologies included:

  • Community-based Inventories of ICH “Ecosystems” Using Photovoice and Arches, Angela M. Labrador
  • When Intangible Cultural Heritage becomes digital, Athanasios K. Moysiadis

  • Social Media a tool for documenting and knowledge transfer of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Monalisa Maharjan

Read about their presentations here.

Watch the video of the seminar here.

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Digital ICH Observatory now online

The Digital ICH Observatory aims to produce, organise and analyse information about e-Inventories of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH). A network to share knowledge and practices about ICH that is on the web.

The Digital ICH Observatory is an output of the project DCHPII – Digital Cultural Heritage: Platforms and Inventories of the Intangible.

The DCHPII project focuses on the following questions: What is an ICH e-Inventory? What are its objectives? Who should undertake it? What should include and with what methodological and technical approaches?

The Digital ICH Observatory is a website that serves the DCHPII project but goes beyond it. Its mission is:

• Identifying and mapping ICH e-Inventories;
• Analysing the structure, multimedia resources and interfaces of the ICH e-Inventories;
• Making comparative studies;
• Doing research on participatory methodologies;
• Sharing scientific works on Digital ICH;
• Sharing good practices;
• Promoting a network of cooperation and communication among Digital ICH stakeholders.

Learn more at their website:

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The Subtle Power of Intangible Heritage

Cultural policy can contribute to social and economic development by growing our cultural capital, promoting local identity and promoting global cultural diversity. Tangible and intangible heritage forms a crucial part of this cultural capital and needs to be safeguarded. At the International Network on Cultural Policy (INCP-RIPC) meeting in Cape Town in October 2002, member states decided to adopt and to implement national policies to protect and promote cultural heritage. South Africa and Senegal agreed to write a research report analysing the legal and financial instruments currently employed by countries and regions to safeguard their intangible heritage.
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Le patrimoine immatériel religieux au Québec: Sauvegarder l’immatériel par le virtuel

Cette étude présente les résultats d’un projet pilote destiné à mettre sur pied une méthodologie de sauvegarde et de mise en valeur du patrimoine immatériel religieux du Québec, aujourd’hui menacé par l’effondrement de la pratique religieuse, le vieillissement prononcé des communautés religieuses, la fermeture des paroisses et des églises, et la vente forcée d’objets sacrés. À partir de l’étude de huit communautés, nous proposons des méthodes virtuelles novatrices d’inventorisation qui, à l’aide des nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication, visent à la fois à conserver et à communiquer efficacement ce patrimoine. La cueillette et la saisie audiovisuelles des récits de lieux, d’objets, de pratiques et de vie permettent de capter les divers aspects de ce patrimoine, de le rendre plus visible et palpable, de bien contextualiser ses usages sociaux et d’intégrer ses dimensions matérielles et immatérielles. Grâce à la grille des pratiques culturelles de Jean Du Berger, nous avons élaboré un système de classement du patrimoine immatériel religieux qui est opératoire dans toutes les communautés religieuses étudiées (catholique, protestante, juive, orthodoxe et amérindienne). Cette première grille de classification pourrait être utilisée dans d’autres cultures et dans d’autres pays en raison de son caractère souple, polyvalent, efficace et universel. Le projet pilote nous a également permis de développer une approche participative pour mettre en valeur ce patrimoine directement sur le terrain en collaboration avec les communautés par des actions culturelles diverses : des sites Web, des expositions muséales, des productions multimédia de DVD, des modules pédagogiques et des publications d’articles et de livres. Une fois numérisé, le patrimoine immatériel religieux s’offre à des adaptations et à des applications diverses, à des appropriations et à des réappropriations par de nombreux acteurs sociaux. La base de données virtuelle devient elle-même un engin d’hybridation et de création sans limites.

This article presents the results of a pilot study of eight religious communities aimed at developing virtual methodologies to safeguard and enhance the intangible religious heritage of Québec which is seriously threatened by the sharp decline in religious practice, the disappearance of many religious communities, the closing of churches and parishes, and the auctioning off of entire religious collections. With the help of new digital technologies, we have devised a multimedia digital database that offers novel ways to inventory, preserve, and communicate this heritage effectively and efficiently. The collection of materials by the audiovisual recording of narratives of places, objects, practices and life stories has enabled us to capture the various aspects of this heritage, to make it visible and palpable, to contextualize its social uses and to link its tangible and intangible dimensions. To facilitate the management of the multimedia digital archive, a classification system for intangible religious heritage was designed from the grid of cultural practices of Jean Du Berger, and was found to be operational for all of the religious communities studied (Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Orthodox and Amerindian). We believe that the classification system could be used in other cultures and other countries because of its flexible, adaptable, efficient, and universal nature. This preliminary study also reveals how a participatory approach to intangible heritage conservation and management can lead to the development of very effective collaborative projects with the communities, such as: Web sites, museum exhibits, multimedia DVD presentations, educational modules, and the publication of articles and books. Once digitalized, intangible religious heritage proprieties and expressions become accessible for appropriation and reappropriation, and for mixing and remixing by different constituencies. The virtual record itself becomes an innovative engine capable of limitless acts of creation and hybridization.

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Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Rebuilding of Jacmel and Haiti Jakmèl kenbe la, se fòs peyi a!

This article aims to show that intangible cultural heritage is an important tool for rebuilding the town of Jacmel, and the whole of Haiti. The authors suggest reinstating the Jacmel Carnival as soon as possible, because it was one of the town’s economic and social drivers before the earthquake. Income from the Carnival and other events could gradually be reinvested in rebuilding tangible heritage. The authors also highlight the creation of an inventory of intangible heritage. This is seen not simply as an archive collection but as a dynamic tool for managing, promoting, transmitting and revitalizing the region’s heritage and society.
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