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Posts Tagged ‘Methodology’

Webinar on The Wheel Chart of Sustainability and ICH – 5 November

Thursday 5th November 2020, 14:00-16:00 Helsinki time on ZOOM

Organized by the Finnish Heritage Agency

What does sustainable development mean in practice? How can it be better taken into account while working with living traditions? What can I and my organization do more for a better world?

Learn more about the relation of sustainable development and living heritage. You will also learn how to use the wheel chart in your own work.

The workshop is in English, it is free and open for all. It is intended for anyone working in the field of culture, for NGOs, museums, researchers, educators, government organisations, entrepreneurs…

Learn more and print out your own Wheel Chart from our website.

Register by the 29th Oct the latest to receive the link to participate:

La Finnish Heritage Agency organise un atelier en ligne le 5 novembre 2020 après-midi, sur inscription, autour de la “Wheel Chart of Sustainability and Intangible Cultural Heritage“, support de sensibilisation et de formation aux liens entre patrimoine culturel immatériel & développement durable.

Traduit en français par le ministère de la Culture (DGP – DPRPS), l’outil peut être téléchargé en ligne

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Basic principles and tips for 3D digitisation of cultural heritage published

The Expert Group on Digital Cultural Heritage and Europeana was tasked by the member states of the European Commission to contribute to the development of guidelines on 3D cultural heritage assets. The resulting list of basic principles and tips for 3D digitisation of tangible cultural heritage contains 10 basic principles and a number of tips for each of them geared toward cultural heritage professionals, institutions and regional authorities in charge of Europe’s precious cultural heritage.

Read the guidelines online

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Duni zuz ‘utilnilh, ‘tanning moose-hide’: weaving Dakelh (Indigenous) intangible cultural heritage transmission with academia

After many years of colonisation and oppressive policies, Indigenous cultures in Canada are reviving elements of their cultural heritage. As such, numerous Indigenous communities are working with higher learning institutions to safeguard elements of their heritage, specifically, knowledge and land-based practices. In this article, we discuss one case study of Dakelh (Indigenous) knowledge- holders that merged the practice of traditional moose-hide tanning with academic components surrounding issues in cultural heritage. With the intention of transmitting information about the field of ICH as well as safeguarding one Dakelh intangible cultural heritage element, we developed an experiential-learning university course that grounded theoretical issues in Indigenous cultural heritage. In discussing our methodology of merging the two ways of learning and teaching, including the benefits and challenges of such a course, the article elaborates how the combination of traditional and academic methodologies in a university setting can help Indigenous communities transmit their intangible cultural heritage to younger generations.

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Workshop on Documenting ICH at the University of Jammu

Maintaining the momentum from the April 2019 panel co-organized by ICICH, the University of Jammu hosted an exhibition “Memory of Movement”, documentary film “Ripples of Time” screening, and a two-day workshop for students of the Centre for Studies in Museology in November 2019. The workshop, “Techniques of documenting Intangible Heritage” was conducted by Munish Pandit, Vice President ICICH. 

Read the Coverage of the Event


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Protegiendo lo inmaterial

Buenas prácticas para la aplicación de los derechos de propiedad intelectual en en patrimonio inmaterial. Este listado es resultante del debate generado en el marco de las Jornadas “Protegiendo lo inmaterial: Jornadas sobre Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial y Propiedad Intelectual’, celebradas en el Museo de Navarra los días 17 y 18 de septiembre de 2019. Estas Jornadas fueron organizadas por la Asociación Intangia y Labrit Patrimonio, con la colaboración del Gobierno de Navarra y la financiación del Minsterio de Cultura y Deporte y Fundación Caja Navarra.

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ICICH Represented at Seminar on Digital Documentation in Korea

Three members of ICOMOS-ICICH participated in an international seminar, entitled “Protecting the Past for the Future: Digital Documentation as One of the Imperative Tools for Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage,” on 20 July 2019 at the National Museum of Korea in Seoul.

The morning session, which focused on new methodologies supporting the documentation of ICH through the application of new technologies included:

  • Community-based Inventories of ICH “Ecosystems” Using Photovoice and Arches, Angela M. Labrador
  • When Intangible Cultural Heritage becomes digital, Athanasios K. Moysiadis

  • Social Media a tool for documenting and knowledge transfer of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Monalisa Maharjan

Read about their presentations here.

Watch the video of the seminar here.

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The Participation in the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage: The role of Communities, Groups and Individuals

The aim of this book is to understand whether participatory methodologies are being applied in the safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) or not. If it is possible to identify problems, advantages, good practices or clues that support new and more effective participatory techniques.

Confronting the theory with the practices, the author concluded that the participation of communities, groups and individuals (CGIs) is still residual. In the scope of ICH safeguard projects, Filomena Sousa identifies five aspects that make this difficult to achieve: 1) excessive centrality of the States in the heritagization process; 2) diversity of interpretations of the concepts; 3) deficit of information among the CGIs; 4) deficit of experience in the improvement of teams composed of different actors and 5) deficit of methods and professionals to operationalise the participation.

After describing each of these obstacles, the author presents a methodological suggestion that can be adapted to different moments of the safeguarding process, which should be understood as flexible and adaptable according to the cultural contexts.

O objetivo deste livro é perceber se as metodologias participativas estão a ser aplicadas no âmbito da salvaguarda do Património Cultural Imaterial (PCI). Nesta obra a autora identifica dificuldades, vantagens, boas práticas e pistas que sustentam novas e mais eficazes técnicas de participação.

Do confronto da teoria com as práticas conclui-se que, sendo a participação das comunidades, grupos e indivíduos (CGIs) enfatizada nos discursos, na realidade, esse envolvimento ainda é residual. A autora identifica cinco aspetos que dificultam essa concretização: 1) a excessiva centralidade dos Estados nos processos de patrimonialização; 2) a diversidade das interpretações dos conceitos; 3) a falta de informação entre os CGIs; 4) a falta de experiência na dinamização de equipas compostas por diferentes atores e 5) a falta de método e de profissionais para operacionalizar a participação. 

Filomena Sousa apresenta ainda uma sugestão metodológica que poderá adequar-se às diferentes fases do processo de salvaguarda e que deve ser entendida como modal e adaptável conforme os contextos culturais.

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Last Call – Intangible Cultural Heritage and Participatory Methodologies


CALL FOR PAPERS, VIDEOS and e-EXHIBITIONS Deadline 30th September 2018


MEMORIAMEDIA project (MI/IELT) has a peer reviewed e-journal dedicated to promote, communicate and document projects, studies and archives of INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE (ICH). 

For this issue, authors are invited to submit unpublished papers, videos or e-exhibitions about PARTICIPATORY METHODOLOGIES and INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE. 

More information and submission form:

The e-journal is written and subtitled in English and Portuguese.

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Patrimoine culturel immatériel

Depuis l’adoption, par l’UNESCO, de la Convention pour sa sauvegarde, le patrimoine culturel immatériel a pris une importance grandissante dans le monde académique, d’abord dans les programmes de recherche, puis dans les formations universitaires. Face au constat que la librairie francophone n’offre aucun support écrit quelque peu systématique couvrant largement les matières liées au PCI, les enseignants de la Formation en PCI des universités de Liège et de Namur ont décidé de publier un tel manuel, interdisciplinaire. Ethnologue, historien, juriste, économiste du tourisme, géographe, archéologue, muséologue, spécialiste de la communication… les auteurs du présent ouvrage reflètent une large diversité de disciplines et d’origines géographiques. Destiné à l’ensemble du monde francophone – voire au-delà – le manuel accueille aussi des regards de spécialistes sur la situation de la politique du PCI en Belgique, France, Québec, Suisse et Afrique francophone. L’ouvrage vise à cerner la notion et à en comprendre les enjeux, à dresser un état des lieux des politiques de sauvegarde et à donner des outils méthodologiques. Certains textes sont essentiellement pratiques, d’autres sont descriptifs, d’autres encore, réflexifs. Des analyses de cas offrent aux lecteurs des clés pour la compréhension du phénomène et de ses manifestations concrètes.
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