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Posts Tagged ‘UNESCO Conventions’

Los Paisajes Culturales en Chile: Conceptos, Legislación y Situación Actual

Este artículo analiza de manera general la situación de los paisajes culturales en Chile, particularmente los mecanismos de protección, entendiendo este concepto en el sentido definido por UNESCO a través de la Convención de Patrimonio Mundial Natural y Cultural de 1972 y sus posteriores normas reglamentarias, que se encuentran en la Guía Operativa de la Convención, la cual ha sido actualizada por el Comité de Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO. Por otro lado se discute la legislación chilena actual sobre la materia, particularmente la de monumentos nacionales y la de áreas silvestres protegidas, indicándose además qué paisajes culturales se encuentran ya protegidos o incluidos en algunas de las categorías de manejo territorial actualmente vigentes en Chile. También se formulan algunas reflexiones en torno a los métodos y enfoques que deben adoptarse si se desea clasificar los paisajes culturales de valor nacional o local, con el fin de fijar prioridades para la protección de aquellos que pudieran estar amenazados.

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Reflections on the application of the conventions and charters concerning heritage in Latin America

Reflexiones sobre la aplicación de las convenciones y cartas sobre el patrimonio cultural en américa latina

» El patrimonio natural y cultural de América tiene una particular significación a nivel mundial. Es el ultimo continente en ser poblado por la Humanidad; durante siglos estuvo alejado de la influencia del resto del mundo hasta que la conquista y colonización europea alteró radicalmente su entorno natural y cultural que por miles de años logró mantener.

Tradicionalmente se nos divide en dos grandes áreas culturales y económicas: los Estados Unidos y Canadá, por una parte, y América Latina, y el Caribe por la otra. En realidad, tanto ayer como hoy las fronteras de tales divisiones son difusas y están en constante proceso de transformación;
las migraciones siguen igual de activas y los fundamentos culturales indígenas, coloniales y modernos están presentes y en contradicción junto a desarrollos desiguales, democracias inestables y el anhelo de construir un mundo más libre y mejor para todos … »

America’s natural and cultural heritage has a special significance worldwide. It was the last continent that was populated by Humanity and for thousands of years it was far from the influences of the rest of the world until the European conquest and colonization radically altered its natural and cultural environment that it had held on to for thousands of years.

We are split, traditionally, into two large cultural and economic areas: the United States and Canada on the one hand and Latin America and the Caribbean on the other. As a matter of fact, both before and now, the borders of such a division are hazy and in constant flux; migrations continue as active as ever and the indigenous, colonial and modern fundaments are still present, contradicting unequal development, shaky democracies and an overwhelming desire to build a freer and better world for all. It is in this context that cultural heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean is undergoing a special process, littler studied and analyzed in its context…. 

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UNESCO ICH 2019 Report from Bogotá

In 2019, the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage met from 9 to 14 December 2019, in Bogotá, in Colombia. 

Many new elements were inscribed on the lists; five elements on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding, thirty-five on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, two elements were selected as programmes, projects and activities that best reflect the principles and objectives of the Convention, and finally two International Assistance requests were granted.

The Committee took historic decisions. For the first time since the creation of the 2003 Convention, an element was removed from the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity because it no longer complied with Article 2 of the Convention.

Read more at the links below.

Download the Summary Report

Access the full details and all documents of the meeting online 


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UNESCO Launches Bibliography on the Implementation of the 2003 Convention

The 2003 Convention Research Bibliography provides an interactive bibliography of research references related to the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and its implementation.

Based on work initiated in 2012, this project is hosted by UNESCO and led by an editorial group of independent researchers, with the support of volunteer researchers.

The bibliography is entirely searchable and intends to foster better communication among researchers working in the field of intangible cultural heritage and enhance dissemination of ICH-related research for all stakeholders involved in the implementation of the 2003 Convention (States Parties, communities, practitioners, civil society, UNESCO Secretariat and others).

Visit the Research Bibliography

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The governance of safeguarding. Comments on Article 2.3 of the ICH Convention

Reflexions on the key dispositif(1) adopted by Unesco’s Convention on the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (Article 2.3). In these Comments, I initially situate the notion of ‘safeguarding’ in the context of transformations of other preservation instruments which it dialogues and to whose semantic field it belongs. Challenges to its implementation and possibilities opened by this treaty for the protection of what has been designated as ‘folklore and traditional (and popular) culture’(2) are addressed. After offering an interpretation of its textual meaning in the Convention, I seek to explore how this device is articulated to others in this Convention, and to reflect on its possible practical reach.

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2018 Living Heritage Conference Report

The final report of the 2018 Living Heritage Conference is available for download (in French). The conference celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Conseil québécois du patrimoine vivant and attracted over 250 attendees. The report outlines the discussions of the various thematic working groups on elements of intangible heritage in Canada as well as reflections on the use of the Global Result Framework of the 2003 Convention. 

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Colombia to host 2019 UNESCO Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage

UNESCO has announced that the next annual meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage will take place from 9 to 14 December 2019 in Bogotá, Colombia. This decision was taken in Port Louis, Mauritius at the close of the thirteenth session of the Committee, which brings together the representatives of 24 States Parties to the UNESCO’s Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. The Committee decides on measures to safeguard oral traditions and expressions, performing arts, social practices, rituals, festive events, knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe or the knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts, which constitute intangible heritage.

Read the press release.

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Webcast of the 13th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage

UNESCO is transmitting a live webcast of the 13th session of the Intergovernmental Committee, available on their website and YouTube channel.

The thirteenth session is taking place in Port Louis, Republic of Mauritius, from Monday 26 November to Saturday 1 December 2018. Over the six days, the twenty-four States Members of the Committee, elected by the General Assembly of the 2003 Convention, are to discuss a number of issues that are important for the safeguarding of living heritage around the world.

Please see the UNESCO ICH website for further details, including copies of the agenda, documents, and all recordings.

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Conservation of Intangible Heritage: A bibliography

This bibliography is based on the text of Text of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (adopted by UNESCO in October 2003).
Updated and edited by Andry Rasolo, intern at ICOMOS Documentation Centre, and Lucile Smirnov. This bibliography refers to documents and materials available at ICOMOS Documentation Centre. It does not intend to be a comprehensive list of scientific literature on intangible heritage. Any reference can be consulted or scanned, subject to the limits of copyright legislation.
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The World Heritage Convention at 40: challenges for the work of ICOMOS

The marking of the 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention in 2012 focused debate about its merits, achievements and impacts. It is commonly said that the World Heritage Convention is UNESCO’s ‘flagship program’ and its ‘most successful’ convention. As an Advisory Body to the Convention, World Heritage is a prominent part of the identity, mission and activities of ICOMOS worldwide. This paper describes a number of pressing issues concerning the implementation of the World Heritage Convention, and some of the implications of these for ICOMOS in its role as an Advisory Body, and for its global membership.
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