Celebrating 50 years of TERRA events | ICOMOS ISCEAH Webinar
Celebrating 50 years of TERRA events | ICOMOS ISCEAH
24 May 6pm CET
ZOOM Platform
In the context of the Terra 2022 13th World Congress on Earthen Architectural Heritage and to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first international colloquium held in Yazd, in 1972, ICOMOS-ISCEAH | International Scientific Committee on Earthen Architectural Heritage is pleased to invite you to join our ISCEAH talk with most of our honorary members, sharing their experience and knowledge in earthen architectural heritage.
Join us and the five of the ISCEAH honorary members – Anthony Crosby (US), Hubert Guillaud (France), Julio Vargas Neumann (Peru), Mike Taylor (US) and Rasool Vatandoust (Iran) – in an open zoom meeting, to share their insights about the last 50 years of TERRA symposiums, conferences and congresses. The event will be moderated by Maddalena Achenza & Mariana Correia, current and former president of the International Scientific Committee with the contribution of Pamela Jerome, Amanda Rivera, Julieta Barada and Masoud Nakhaei.
To register: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8UHXnup3SvCGi2SkSeqIaQ
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