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Posts Tagged ‘Memory’

The ArchaeoLore Group Webinars

ICICH is excited to support The ArchaeoLore Group Webinar series for 2024/2025.

September 2024 – May 2025, Tuesdays at 5 p.m. CET / 4 p.m. Portugal
Organizers: Alexandra Vieira and Katarina Botić

The aim of this series is to bring together researchers dedicated to the study of the following topics: archaeology, landscape, place names, and social memory (folklore, oral narratives, oral tradition). 

The ArchaeoLore Group believes that the valuable insights of archaeologists, anthropologists, linguists, folklorists, geographers, historians, and others, would greatly improve the holistic study of the past. The perspective and research interests of our lecturers closely align with the goals of the ArchaeoLore Group:

  • the study of human-environment relationships, cultural manifestations and beliefs, humanized landscape interpretation and social memory, as well as the protection of intangible cultural heritage through transdisciplinary analysis that will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the human experience, past and present
  • to interpret cultural heritage through the study of archaeology, oral traditions, social memory, and place names, uncovering the connections between tangible and intangible heritage, revealing the ways in which cultural practices, beliefs, and stories are embedded in landscapes and passed down through generations
  • to study the ways in which oral traditions, folklore and place names are linked to specific landscapes and archaeological sites

The ArchaeoLore Group webinars are an opportunity to share knowledge and provide a moment of productive interdisciplinary exchange, demonstrating the added value of collaborative research, providing the opportunity to engage in stimulating discussions and develop professional relationships with other researchers in the field.

Calendar of Webinars

24.09.2024. Katja Hrobat Virloget – Between archaeology and anthropology. Collective memory, liminal spaces, boundaries, and mythical landscape

22.10.2024. Alexandra Vieira – Sacred Landscapes: The Christianization of the Landscape in the North of Portugal

19.11.2024. Tõnno Jonuks – Biographies of sacred natural sites in Estonia – just a local history or potential research method?

03.12.2024. Loredana Lancini – The big Giant is watching you: studying natural phenomena and landscape through oral tradition and mythology 14.01.2025. Tomáš Klír – Archaeology and contact onomastics: Case studies from Central Europe

11.02.2025. István Kollai – Europeanization of national historical consciousness through castle renovation projects

18.03.2025. Marilena Papachristophorou – Lost palimpsests: searching for the memory of the past in East Aegean, Greece

22.04.2025. Patrick D. Nunn – Remembering Sea-Level Rise and Island Creation in Australian and Celtic Cultures

13.05.2025. Joana Valdez-Tullett – Rock Art, Landscape and the Prevalence of Collective Memory

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Introducción al Patrimonio de los Derechos Humanos en Chile

En las últimas décadas el concepto de patrimonio se ha expandido y profundizado en todos los sentidos y hoy cubre muchos tipos de bienes materiales e inmateriales. Desde su concepción original, centrada primero en los objetos y después en sitios y lugares, se ha pasado a su comprensión más amplia fundamentada en su significación cultural y en el conjunto de valores que representaron o representan para un determinado grupo social o toda una nación. En este contexto, el patrimonio ya no sólo es parte de la historia sino también un reflejo de la permanente construcción social de la memoria…

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