15th Annual US/ICOMOS International Scientific Symposium
40th Anniversary Celebration of the World Heritage Convention
May 30 – June 1, 2012 in San Antonio, Texas
‘Confluence of Cultures – World Heritage in the Americas’
In 2012, US/ICOMOS will return to San Antonio, Texas, site of the first US/
ICOMOS International Symposium in 1996. That meeting explored the ques-
tion of “Authenticity” and its meanings in the Americas. Since 1996, San Antonio has continued as a city at the confluence of cultures and heritage in the Americas.
The 2012 US/ICOMOS Symposium Committee has developed a website for the symposium – please visit it at http://www.usicomos2012.com/index.html for the most updated information regarding the Symposium.
401 F Street, NW, Suite 331
Washington, DC 20001
Ph 202-842-1866
Fax 202-842-1861