An International Scientific Committee of

Group Meeting ICOMOS NCs of SEE Region

10 October 2013 – 13 October 2013 all-day
Austria GROUP MEETING OF PRESIDENTS AND REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ICOMOS NATIONAL COMMITTEES OF THE SOUTH-EAST EUROPEAN REGION FOLLOWING THE DUBROVNIK-VALETTA PRINCIPLES Challenges based on examples of the common architectural heritage influenced by the Habsburg Empire in the region The aim of the regional co-operation is to reinforce the promotion and the influence of ICOMOS in order to promote better understanding of the meaning and conservation of the region’s common heritage. Through the comparable heritage of the Habsburg empire it is possible to examine the different solutions the individual countries have come up, implemented and their impacts. In what way can we learn from each other? How the different legislation’s over the years have positively or negatively impacted comparable built structures. The Habsburg heritage is chosen as a common denominator in the region. It manifests itself not only in the visible built heritage but also even more strongly in the theory of the “Viennese” art-historians Riegl and Dvorak as well as the practice of the “k.k. Zentralkommission für Denkmalpflege” monitoring already at that early times the common heritage. Therefore their role as contemporaries of Georg Dehio, as well as creators of theoretical base for protection and care of monuments within the region and their influence within nowadays different national legislation will be discussed. The meeting is another step to reach active exchange of information as well as continuing collaboration especially in issues of this common heritage under the NCs of the individual countries: In addition to the 1st meeting of the South-East European Regional Group and according to the Europe Group Meeting from June 2011 especially the Culture Program 2014-20 of the European Union could serve as solid platform for scientific collaboration under ICOMOS members of the region. Therefore the interaction between ICOMOS and academic as well as other heritage research institutions of the region has to be reinforced. In this context the involvement of the interested academic juniors has to be promoted actively. Besides this special focus other current issues of ICOMOS like the coordination of the UNESCO World heritage lists or the interpolation of contemporary architecture within historic ensembles certainly has to be on the agenda, too. Nevertheless, report on positive examples is encouraged. Last, but not least, determination of rhythm and mode of the foreseen further meetings (symposiums) is not yet consolidated and has to be discussed again. The conference locations Technical University of Vienna and Kurhaus am Steinhof within the area of the so-called Otto-Wagner-Hospital pay tribute to topics of the meeting. see