An International Scientific Committee of

ICOMOS Ireland- Acknowledging the International Year of Sustainable Tourism

18 April 2017 all-day
The Heritage of Tourism
Title of the event: Acknowledging the International Year of Sustainable Tourism, together with the 18 April theme of ‘the Heritage of Tourism’, the day itself is to be used to launch /advertise the activities planned on this theme for the remainder of the year. Events include an outreach talk/presentation on the day itself, the annual outing (typically July), to be organized to a location which commemorates the theme Heritage of Tourism and the Annual (Maura Shaffrey Commemorative) lecture to be held in October on a similar theme, together with a daylong sidebar seminar event on the Heritage of Tourism. Who? NSCCT organizing annual lecture and seminar: Official contact: Marc Ritchie, Convenor, NSCCT.; ;