An International Scientific Committee of

18 April: ICOMOS Spain, Didactic Approach of sportsmen to Sport Heritage

18 April 2016 all-day
Who? Spanish National Committee of ICOMOS (CNE) and Secondary School (IES) “Sánchez Cantón” – CGTD of Pontevedra, Mª Esther del Castillo who is a Member of the CNE and Teacher of History, and students of Geography of the second course of Bachillerato at the same School. What? Didactic Approach of sportsmen to Sport Heritage –– IES Sánchez Cantón / CGTD Pontevedra (Spain). The ICOMOS CNE wishes to participate by organizing a didactic activity which may contribute to spread knowledge of the History of Sports among a group specially linked to this field as it is the case of the students of the Sánchez Cantón Institute that is ascribed to the Galician Centre of Sportive Technical Advance. The activity shall consist on the elaboration of publicity’s poster of the event and a power point presentation on the history of the sports and the historic heritage in this field. Just on 28 April 2016 an exhibit of commented images of the history of sport and its artistic and heritage representations in different cultures will be open at the virtual classroom of the centre. When? 18 April 2016 Where? Spain, Pontevedra, Padre Fernando Olmedo s/n. Official contact: María Esther del Castillo. mestherdcf[at]