An International Scientific Committee of

ICAHM Annual Meeting and Symposium

27 November 2012 – 30 November 2012 all-day
ICAHM (ICOMOS’ International Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management) wanted to remind you that it will hold its annual international conference on archaeological heritage management, in historic Cuzco, Peru on November 27-30, 2012. Registration is now open: The deadline for abstracts is fast approaching and they should be submitted by September 15. If you are interested in joining us, please email your abstract as an attachment to: Please include the following information in your email: • Name • Institutional affiliation (if any) • Contact information (including preferred email address) Be aware that we are happy to write a letter of invitation for any colleague who may need this in order to secure assistance from his/her home institution. ICAHM understands archaeolological heritage broadly. Among the worldwide issues for consideration at this meeting are local stakeholder claims on archaeological heritage; sustainable development and community sustainability; World Heritage tourism; tourism pressures and site preservation; heritage and rights; challenges to the validity and value of the World Heritage List as it quickly approaches 1,000 inscribed sites; the World Heritage List decision-making process; impacts of war, civil disorder, and natural disasters on archaeological sites; technical advances in archaeological heritage management. ICAHM welcomes papers on other topics as well. In addition, if you want to participate in a larger session, the ICIP (The International Committee on Interpretation and Presentation, is currently inviting persons from ICAHM, ICIP, and interested others, to participate in a discussion about interpretation and presentation in resource protection, effective community engagement, and sustainable management schemes. If you are interested in this session specifically, please forward a title and abstract to John Jameson (Vice President of ICIP; cc’ing no later than September 15, 2012.