ICOMOS Webinar Series | ICOMOS OCD-RBA Heritage Thursdays – Becoming World Heritage 50 years on: the role of rights and communities
When: Thursday 30 June 2022
12:00– 13:45 (CET)
ICOMOS Webinar Series I OCD-RBA
Our Common Dignity Rights-Based Approaches Working Group “Heritage Thursdays” webinars 2022
In the fiftieth anniversaryyear of the World Heritage Convention, the ICOMOS Our Common DignityRights-Based Approaches Working Group seeks to examine and promote the role ofcommunities and build awareness of rights issues in World Heritage.
This Heritage Thursday webinarwill shedlight on challenges and opportunities for communities in the implementation ofthe World Heritage Convention, from an established World Heritage property(Tongariro National Park, New Zealand), a recently nominated World Heritageproperty (Okavango Delta, Botswana), and from a site that is currentlypreparing a World Heritage nomination (Central Victorian Goldfields,Australia).
Representativesfrom the three Advisory Bodies to the World Heritage Convention will reflect onthe main themes discussed and consider future issues and opportunities forrights and communities in World Heritage.
Registration link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIld-irpjItH9PRfU8anq2-Bas64_W8jIHq