Cultural Landscapes in Asia and the Pacific: Implications of the World Heritage Convention
Akagawa, Natsuko and Tiamsoon Sirisrisak. 2008. Cultural Landscapes in Asia and the Pacific: Implications of the World Heritage Convention. International Journal of Heritage Studies 14(2): pp. 176-191.
The notion of cultural landscape has been accepted in the World Heritage Convention since 1992 but the adoption for World Heritage inscription is different among regions. This paper aims to address the issues of applying the concept of cultural landscape in Asia and the Pacific. The article first takes an overview of the World Heritage List and current issues related to the cultural landscape. This is followed by a discussion of the cultural landscape by referring to previous studies, with detailed analysis pointing out the major characteristics of the listed cultural landscapes in Asia and the Pacific, which are tabulated using the numerical data. The final discussion concludes by addressing the discourse on applying the World Heritage Convention and the current issues on cultural landscape conservation in Asia and the Pacific.