‘Crafting Resilience’ Webinar to be held 31 October
ICOMOS India and NSC-Intangible Cultural Heritage is organising a webinar on ‘Crafting Resilience: Craft communities and their resilience as embedded in the traditional knowledge: A critical component of intangible cultural heritage.’ on October 31 2020 as part of ICOMOS International webinar series.
India has been home to diverse traditional handicrafts since times immemorial. Like any other occupation, these craftsmen have been practising their crafts amidst disasters as well, be it natural or otherwise. These disasters with their frequent occurrences have affected the craftsmen, at times forcing them to abandon their crafts, to take up other vocations, at the risk of losing the knowledge of producing a craft. But in many situations, these communities have also reoriented themselves in producing artefacts, albeit in a much-modified context, with altered relationships to resources and markets. Crafting Resilience webinar is a narrative of four case studies from different parts of the country with a historic perspective of crafts communities, their struggles, and adaptation to disasters over the years. The webinar brings together individuals who have led movements of crafts revival in their respective regions and worked for a resilient future for crafts and their practitioners.
Please register in advance here: