An International Scientific Committee of

ICOMOS Ireland: Renovating Historic Buildings Towards Zero Carbon

1 March 2018 all-day
A presentation of research work to date in two major studies – one international and one Irish – in renovating historic buildings towards zero carbon. The event comprised a series talks including presentations on recent studies. This workshop, organised by ICOMOS Ireland’s NSCES+CC and The Heritage Council, was supported by The Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Dublin City Council, The Heritage Council, and the SEAI. Titles of Studies: ‘Deep Renovation of Historic Buildings towards lowest possible energy demand and CO2 emission (NZEB)’ The International Energy Agency: Solar Heating and Cooling Programme and Energy in Buildings and Communities Programme Task 59 / Annex 76 ‘Deep Energy Renovation of Traditional Buildings; Assessing knowledge gaps and addressing skills training in Ireland’ SEAI, Heritage Council & ICOMOS Ireland National Scientific Committee on Energy, Sustainability and Climate Change