An International Scientific Committee of

ICOMOS ISCs THEOPHIL and PRERICO: International conference “Religion and Pilgrimage sites –Conservation challenges”

28 February 2019 – 1 March 2019 all-day
Auditorium al Duomo
Anfiteatro Andrzej Tomaszewski Hall, Via de’ Cerretani, 54, Florence
ICOMOS International Scientific Committees for Theory and Philosophy of Conservation and Restoration (THEOPHIL) and on Places of Religion and Ritual (PRERICO) with • Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism ‘Places of religion and pilgrimage’ are sites with specifically high sensitivity, carrying tangible as well as high non-tangible significance. Some are still in use for religious practices, while others are archaeological ruins or places no longer used for their original function. In some religions they still have religious significance, in others they do not, but continue to carry religious importance. Some of these sites are mainly places of memory, where structural significance is of secondary importance, many others have buildings which meet several criteria of historical, architectural, social and other significance. Many important sites of religious meaning serve regularly as places of religion and ritual, to some there is regular pilgrimage, yet many are at the same time tourism attractions Very few active religious sites are managed by cultural heritage authorities – most are managed by religious authorities. All the above issues make sites of religious and ritual significance a specific category, with big challenges to the conservation community. Both scientific committees, TheoPhilos and PRERICO have never discussed these issues and the coming conference is the first opportunity for both. Three different areas need to be discussed for theoretical and practical purposes: • Definition of the religious and Pilgrimage sites, from the perspective of heritage protection – is it a category worth specific ethics, rules and consideration? Does it require different conservation considerations and Practices? • Specific theoretical and practical challenges facing the conservation and users communities regarding religious and pilgrimage sites. • Tourism to religious and Pilgrimage sites – conflicts of functions, respecting the different uses and users. Conservators’ challenges Official contact: Simone Giometti (Secretary General Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco) Official website: