An International Scientific Committee of


CFP: ICOMOS GA 2020 the 6 ISCs Joint Meeting

Six ISCs of ICOMOS: ICORP, ISCARSAH, ISCEAH, ICTC, ISCES+CC and CIPA, will be hosting a joint meeting on “Advancing Risk Management for the Shared Future” on 1 October 2020 / ICC Sydney

Abstracts may be submitted (max. 300 words in English), including the following topics:
   (1) Climate Change and Cultural Heritage
   (2) Disaster Risk Management and Resilience
   (3) Post-disaster reconstruction and authenticity
   (4) Post-disaster management
   (5) Relevant subjects

Abstract Deadline: 3 February 2020

Read the full call for papers and submit your abstract on their website.

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CFP: Heritage 2020

HERITAGE 2020 – 7th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development follows the path paved by prior editions of this event. HERITAGE 2020 aims at maintaining a state of the art event regarding the relationships between forms and kinds of heritage and the framework of sustainable development concepts, namely the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The Conference will be held in Coimbra, Portugal, on July 8-10, 2020, in a partnership with the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. 

HERITAGE 2020 is a peer-reviewed conference.

Abstracts may be submitted under the following topics:

01- Heritage and governance for sustainability
02- Heritage and society
03- Heritage and environment
04- Heritage and economics
05- Heritage and culture
06- Heritage and education for the future
07- Preservation of historic buildings and structures
08- Heritage and cultural tourism
10- Heritage and global warming: a calling for new actions on cultural safeguarding
11- Displaced communities: preserving cultural heritage as part of human rights
12- Special Chapter: Jewish heritage
13- Special Chapter: Academic Heritage

Abstracts are due December 15, 2019.

Learn more on the conference website.

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CFP: atelier DAHLIA en conjonction avec la conférence EGC

L’atelier DAHLIA, à sa deuxième édition, est organisé par le groupe de travail DAHLIA qui est soutenu par l’Association EGC et il a pour objectif de permettre à la communauté cartographiée dans le cadre du groupe de travail de se retrouver, mais aussi de donner la parole aux étudiants en thèse afin d’exposer leurs thématiques. Dans le cadre de cet atelier, des travaux autours des humanités numériques et du patrimoine culturel seront présentés ; ces travaux devraient s’encadrer dans les thématiques d’EGC, notamment la gestion et l’analyse de données ou des connaissances provenant des SHS/patrimoine.

Les thèmes de l’atelier sont les suivants :

  • acquisition de données lors d’un processus d’étude et d’analyse du domaine SHS et du cas d’étude précis en collaboration étroite avec les experts du domaine ;
  • acquisition et analyse de connaissances métier/expert SHS concernant les processus/tâches ;
  • intéroperabilité des données provenant de plusieurs sources SHS ;
  • extraction des connaissances à partir des données SHS : fouille, apprentissage ;
  • annotation sémantique de données du patrimoine ;
  • restitution par visualisation de données (principalement du patrimoine) en vue de compréhension, analyse, etc. ;
  • visualisation d’œuvres, immeubles, etc. en 2D/3D ;
  • extraction et analyse des interactions du public lors des événements culturels ;
  • étude des processus de diffusion des informations dans les réseaux sociaux.

dates prévisionnelles:

  • Date limite de soumission des articles : 03/12/2019
  • Notification aux auteurs : 18/12/2019
  • Version finale : 08/01/2020

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UNESCO Launches Bibliography on the Implementation of the 2003 Convention

The 2003 Convention Research Bibliography provides an interactive bibliography of research references related to the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and its implementation.

Based on work initiated in 2012, this project is hosted by UNESCO and led by an editorial group of independent researchers, with the support of volunteer researchers.

The bibliography is entirely searchable and intends to foster better communication among researchers working in the field of intangible cultural heritage and enhance dissemination of ICH-related research for all stakeholders involved in the implementation of the 2003 Convention (States Parties, communities, practitioners, civil society, UNESCO Secretariat and others).

Visit the Research Bibliography

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Call for Presentations: ICH in Urban Context

During the ICH-NGO Forum meeting (Bogota, Colombia, 7 – 14th December 2019), there will be a session on Sunday morning, 8 December 2019, dedicated to the topic of “ICH in an urban context: Cultural diversity and social cohesion.” This session has been prepared in cooperation with the National Heritage Board of Singapore and is a timely topic.

Over half of the population of the world now lives in urban areas—cities with millions of inhabitants and diverse communities. Cities such as Bangkok, Singapore, Bogota, and Rotterdam are facing multiple social and cultural challenges, not least due to processes of migration, the challenge of superdiversity, and social cohesion. Thinkers about superdiversity see evidence of emerging cosmopolitan cultural practices that build on social practices brought by migrant groups to new locales. These cultural practices are often reflected in public festivals and festivities. Festivals like Diwali are not just celebrated in India; they have become a permanent feature of Little India precincts all over the world. Similarly, other traditions such as Carnival or the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival are celebrated in major cities across the world.

During the ICH-NGO Forum meeting, there will be a session on Sunday morning, 8 December 2019, dedicated to the topic of “ICH in an urban context: Cultural diversity and social cohesion.” This session has been prepared in cooperation with the National Heritage Board of Singapore and is a timely topic. Over half of the population of the world now lives in urban areas—cities with millions of inhabitants and diverse communities. Cities such as Bangkok, Singapore, Bogota, and Rotterdam are facing multiple social and cultural challenges, not least due to processes of migration, the challenge of superdiversity, and social cohesion. Thinkers about superdiversity see evidence of emerging cosmopolitan cultural practices that build on social practices brought by migrant groups to new locales. These cultural practices are often reflected in public festivals and festivities. Festivals like Diwali are not just celebrated in India; they have become a permanent feature of Little India precincts all over the world. Similarly, other traditions such as Carnival or the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival are celebrated in major cities across the world.

Cities can be defined as contact zones where the global meets the local. As the text of the 2003 Convention noted, “processes of globalization and social transformation, alongside the conditions they create for renewed dialogue among communities, also give rise, as does the phenomenon of intolerance, to grave threats of deterioration, disappearance and destruction of the intangible cultural heritage.”

While intangible cultural heritage is often presented as a mainspring for cultural diversity, what about intangible cultural heritage in an urban context? What is intangible cultural heritage in an urban context and how is it transmitted and safeguarded? How can it contribute to social cohesion and renewed dialog among communities? Is there a role for city governments in adopting certain cultural policies?

During the session there will be six (or possibly more, which may then be accommodated in parallel sessions) short presentations, up to 10 minutes each, from cases from all over the world. Already scheduled are presentations from Singapore and Bogota. The session will be moderated by Albert van der Zeijden (ICH-NGO Forum, Dutch Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage) and Kirk Siang (National Heritage Board, Singapore). The moderators of this session are still looking for presentations from other regions, such as Asia, Africa, and Eastern Europe. NGOs attending the Intergovernmental Committee meeting in Bogota, and wanting to give a presentation, are invited to present an abstract (with a maximum of 200 words) before November 1 to Albert van der Zeijden, at

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Register for the 2019 World Forum for ICH

The 2019 World Forum for Intangible Cultural Heritage will be held from 10 to 12 October at the National Intangible Heritage Center (NIHC) in Jeonju, Republic of Korea. The forum is hosted by ICHCAP and organized by the NIHC.

The NIHC has organized the forum since 2017 to shape global discourse on the transmission and use of ICH. The third edition of the forum will bring together experts from sixteen countries in the Asia-Pacific region, Europe, and the Americas. The participants will examine the value of ICH for humanity and contemporary civic life, explore the positive role ICH plays in enriching civic life through learning and enjoyment and resolving social conflicts, and share their experiences.

View the program

Register here

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Call for Submissions: Digital Technologies and ICH

Call for Papers, videos and e-exhibitions

Submission Deadline 10th October 2019

MEMORIAMEDIA project (MI/IELT) has a peer reviewed e-journal dedicated to promote, communicate and document projects, studies and archives of INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE (ICH). For this issue, authors are invited to submit unpublished papers, videos or e-exhibitions about DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES and INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE for publication Dec 2019.

Read the full call here

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Registration open: Living Heritage in the Nordic Countries

International Conference on the Role of Communities and the Possibility for New Sustainable Societies  – Registration Deadline: Oct 9

Living heritage is a timely topic gaining awareness all over the world. In the era of global crises, where political instability, cultural alienation as well as political, religious and ideological extremism continue gaining validity, the seminar aims to tackle issues of sustainable development, social cohesion and cultural diversity within a context of cross-sectorial expertise.

The UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage has already been ratified by 178 countries that shows the willingness to act together for the safeguarding of living heritage. All the Nordic countries have ratified the Convention and cooperation across borders flourishes actively on versatile levels.

Now for the first time Nordic actors will gather together for a conference in Finland to discuss about safeguarding, joint projects and sharing good practices. As urged by the Faro Convention, the conference gives special focus on the role of communities and NGO’s.

The conference will consist of keynotes from all Nordic countries: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, including Greenland, Faroe Islands and Åland as well as from the Baltic countries. The presentations will highlight experiences in different fields of intangible heritage: performing arts, crafts, oral heritage, nature and social events. Several workshops will be held to give the participants room to interact with each other, learn together and to promote Nordic cooperation.

The conference is free of charge. The programme is targeted at anyone and everyone working with intangible heritage: practitioners, NGO’s, civil servants, researchers, museums professionals, etc.  The seminar language is English.

The seminar is organized by the Finnish Heritage Agency in co-operation with the Ministry of Education and Culture, Hanaholmen Cultural Centre, Arts Promotion Centre Finland, the Finnish National Commission for UNESCO and the Royal Norwegian Embassy.

After the two-day conference the Arts Promotion Centre Finland facilitates a World Saving Clinic with the conference participants. Believing in the power of co-creation, the World Saving Clinic aims to empower experts in a new, bold future-oriented role.

View the full programme here

Register here

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ICICH Represented at Seminar on Digital Documentation in Korea

Three members of ICOMOS-ICICH participated in an international seminar, entitled “Protecting the Past for the Future: Digital Documentation as One of the Imperative Tools for Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage,” on 20 July 2019 at the National Museum of Korea in Seoul.

The morning session, which focused on new methodologies supporting the documentation of ICH through the application of new technologies included:

  • Community-based Inventories of ICH “Ecosystems” Using Photovoice and Arches, Angela M. Labrador
  • When Intangible Cultural Heritage becomes digital, Athanasios K. Moysiadis

  • Social Media a tool for documenting and knowledge transfer of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Monalisa Maharjan

Read about their presentations here.

Watch the video of the seminar here.

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ICOMOS-ICICH Represented at International Conference: Water as Heritage

ICOMOS-ICICH President, Hee Sook Lee-Niinioja, and Sergio Ribeiro, CIRAT Brazil, co-organized and chaired a session on “Worldviews on Water” at the Water as Heritage Conference in Taiwan, May 27 – May 31, 2019.

Download the entire program here.

Read the abstracts for the following presentations by clicking here:

  • Water: A Divine Gift from Allah to his People in the Islamic Religion and Environments, Hee Sook Lee-Niinioja, PhD, Independent Scholar-Helsinki; ICOMOS-ICICH
  • Water in its context of ecological and socio-cultural systems – opportunities in heritage policy, practice and research, from the Ramsar Convention to contemporary artists (and beyond), Dave Pritchard, Coordinator, Ramsar Culture Network
  • Worshipping Sacred Natural Sites as Heritage System of Safeguarding and Sustainable Use of Water Sources and Resources in Mongolia, Dr Professor Urtnasan Norov, President of Mongolian National Committee for ICOMOS
  • Indigenous World View: Water Ethics and Heritage, Mona Polacca, MSW, International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers; Indigenous World Forum on Water and Peace, Co-Secretariat

Images of the event

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