An International Scientific Committee of

Diversify Heritage Online Meeting | ICOMOS Germany

27 February 2021 all-day
Diversify Heritage! Online meeting

Monuments mostly reflect a white, male, heterosexual past shaped by power politics. Large parts of our heritage landscape therefore reflect an understanding of the world and an image of history that do not correspond to today’s ideas of a pluralistic and transcultural society. How do we deal with the inherited representations of outdated values? How can the cultural identity of previously discriminated against or underrepresented groups be taken into account? This BarCamp asks for new visions for a diverse and anti discriminatory heritage practice of the future. 

After the successful first BarCamp #ClaimingHeritage!, which took place in October 2019 in Berlin, the AG2020 of ICOMOS Germany invites you again to a BarCamp – this time online and on the current topic #DiversifyHeritage! We are looking for active participants and contributions for 27 February 2021.

A BarCamp— or a so-called unconference is a conference format without a predetermined programme. All participants design the event together at the beginning and then discuss contemporary forms of cultural heritage with each other in workshops, lectures, discussion rounds or other formats. Get involved and make your ideas the topic of the online BarCamp Diversify Heritage! 

Register by 20 February 2021:


The Online BarCamp is an initiative of ICOMOS AG2020 in cooperation with the DFG Research Training Group 1913 Cultural and Technological Significance of Historic Buildings at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.

Saturday 27 February 2021 

10:00-14.00 CET

Further information about the event will be given after registration.