An International Scientific Committee of

Erich-Mendelsohn Symposium 21-22 March 2022 – Berlin Chamber of Architects

21 March 2022 – 22 March 2022 all-day
Erich-Mendelsohn Symposium
21-22 March 2022 – Berlin Chamber of Architects

In identifying the potential of the Oeuvre of Erich Mendelsohn (1887-1953) for a transnational serial nomination as UNESCO World Heritage, we invite papers that offer new perspectives on his life, his architecture, and their influence, and on strategies for such a nomination. We are particularly interested in exploring Mendelsohn´s cosmopolitan approach to modernity, which took him already in the 1920s across Europe, the United States, and to what was then the British Mandate of Palestine, as well as in positioning the philosophical and political conviction underlying his work in relation to other interwar modernist masters. We seek reflections on his global impact, as well as on the theoretical positions and technical innovations in which it was rooted. Other possible themes include the inspiration he drew throughout his life from classical music, particularly the work of Bach; migration and nomadism, especially following his flight in March 1933 from Nazi Germany; and his Jewish identity, including his relationship with Zionism, and with fellow thinkers and writers, as well as how spirituality was reflected in his oeuvre. Finally, we seek to learn from past transboundary nominations of modern architecture and gather insights into how best to proceed with our own.

The two-day symposium will take place in the Architektenkammer Berlin, the former Metalworker´s Union building in Berlin (Alte Jakobstraße 149, 10969 Berlin), realized by Erich Mendelsohn 1928-30. The lectures will be preceded by a day excursion to Mendelsohn´s buildings in Berlin and Brandenburg, including the Einstein Tower in Potsdam, and the Mendelsohn Collection in the Art Library Berlin (Kunstbibliothek). On the occasion of Mendelsohn’s 135th birthday on 21st march 2022, a cinema evening is planned with movies about the life and work of Erich Mendelsohn.

Abstracts of no more than 500 words should be sent to Mendelsohn[at] (supplementary short CVs desired) by 20th of December 2021 at latest.


ICOMOS Germany, ICOMOS Israel and Architektenkammer Berlin (Chamber of Architects Berlin)
Jörg Haspel and Regina Stephan (ICOMOS Germany) as well as Eran Mordohovich and Inbal Ben Asher Gitler (ICOMOS Israel), Initiators of the Initiative Circle for a multinational network on outstanding works of Erich Mendelsohn

Preparatory and Steering Committee
• Inbal Ben Asher Gitler, Sapir Academic College, DoCoMoMo and ICOMOS Israel
• Maristella Casciato, Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles
• Jörg Haspel, ICOMOS Germany, Technische Universität Berlin
• Kathleen James-Chakraborty, University College Dublin
• Eran Mordohovich, Technion Haifa, President ICOMOS Israel
• Alona Nitzan Shiftan, Technion Haifa, Arenson Built Heritage Research Center
• Regina Stephan, University of Applied Sciences Mainz, ICOMOS Germany
• Jana Weydt, ICOMOS Germany

Partner Institutions
• Arenson Built Heritage Research Center at the Technion Haifa
• Brandenburgisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologisches Landesmuseum
• Council for the Conservation of Heritage Sites in Israel
• Deutsche UNESCO Kommission (tbc)
• DOCOMOMO Israel and DOCOMOMO Germany
• Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des Lebens und Wirkens deutschsprachiger jüdischer Architekten
• Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles
• Israel National Commission for UNESCO (tbc)
• Kunstbibliothek Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
• Landesdenkmalamt Berlin
• Triennale der Moderne / Triennial of Modernism