An International Scientific Committee of

EYCH 2018: “Arte, Fede, Memoria dei Luoghi Storico-Religiosi”, International Conference

7 June 2018 – 8 June 2018 all-day
Metropolitan City of Venice
Organisers: Scuola Grande di San Marco

The conference, promoted by the Scuola Grande di San Marco of Venice, aims to open a
dialogue with institutions and communities at an international level and included in the
dealing with the religious cultural heritage with the aim of working mainly on the future of this
important heritage and on the duties which concern those dealing with the preservation and
The cultural exchange will inclusive of theology, with its numerous facets, the arts, landscape
architecture, the environment as well as economy and cultural aspects intertwined within the
contexts of individual communities. The individual person is central to this investigation.
Indeed, in a rapidly changing world, this cultural heritage plays an ever-growing role for the
person and its position within the community.
There will be key note lectures (lectiones magistrales), invited papers and a round table to
which will participate all the religious and public or private institutions which operate in the
appreciation of convents and monasteries in order that they could all present their respective
experiences, the best practices and projects to share.

Dates/times: 7-8 June 2018

Location: Scuola Grande di San Marco, Venice, Italy

Official contact for further information: Prof. Arch. Olimpia Niglio (ICOMOS Italy, PRERICO) olimpia.niglio[at]

Official website: