An International Scientific Committee of

Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco: XXI General Assembly and International Symposium: “Heritage as a Builder of Peace 2019”

1 March 2019 – 3 March 2019 all-day
Florence, Auditorium al Duomo, Anfiteatro Andrzej Tomaszewski Hall, Via de’ Cerretani
The intercultural dialogue is widely recognized for its strategic role in building the conditions for the development in peaceful coexistence. The world is more and more interconnected but it does not mean that individuals and societies really live together. Today there is more information, technology and knowledge available than ever before. All this allows people to move, travel and visit cultural and natural heritage sites all over the world; but our wisdom will help us to grasp the opportunities offered by the encounters among multicultural visitors attracted by heritage for advancing intercultural dialogue across the world. Intercultural dialogue, in its turn, will extend the impact of heritage on the “UNESCO International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures (2013 – 2022)” and will extend the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Which role the international community of heritage conservators, urban planners, architects, travel and hospitality operators, world heritage sites managers, local traditional and typical producers can play? Three thematic sessions: • “Cultural Expressions of Territories” • “World Heritage Sites for Dialogue 2019” • “Heritage for Planet Earth 2019” Official contact Simone Giometti (Secretary General Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco) Official website