ICOMOS ISC ICAHM (Archeaological Management): Conference “Archaeological Heritage and World Heritage Sites: Towards the Sustainable Management of Landscapes”
Conference themes:1. Indigenous Archaeologies in Latin America: Archaeologists, Archaeology and Indigenous Peoples
2. The role of States, communities and experts in the conservation and management of the cultural and archaeological heritage of the Andean peoples of northern Chile
3. Processes of plundering and restitution of archaeological and anthropological collections
4. Public Archaeology and First Peoples (Indigenous) Communities
5. Competing Values: Bioethics in Practice within Archaeological and Anthropological Research
We also offer a pre-conference program including:
• 2-day site visit to The Nitrate plants of Humberstone and Santa Laura, WHS, the Geoglyphs of Pintados and Tiliviche
• 1-day excursions to: Qhapaq Nan segment, World Heritage Site, in Socoroma and the Valley of Lluta; Chinchorro sites in Camarones Valle; and the Archaeological sites and Museum in Azapa Valley
• Pre-conference International Seminar “Conservation and sustainable development of the archaeological heritage at the World Heritage Sites of Chile”
Please find attached the Call for Papers. Abstracts may be submitted in English or Spanish.
Important conference dates:
Abstract submission deadline: 6 May
Acceptance of papers and posters: 15 May
Early Bird registration deadline: 30 June
Registration deadline for presenting authors: 1 July
Pre-conference tour booking deadline: 1 July
Post-conference tour booking deadline: 15 July
Registration Deadline: 1 November
Contact: conference[at]icahm.icomos.org
For more information about the conference program, registration, conference tours and traveling to Arica, please visit our conference website: http://icahm.icomos.org/2019-icahm-annual-meeting-chile/